Digital Art Preparation Guidelines For
Hicks Outdoor Advertising
Bulletin Vinyl
Artwork set up CMYK using the U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 color profile. At reduced scale of 1in = 1ft, file size should be 300 dpi. Include 2” bleed and a 4” pocket for a total of 6” on all sides.
For the artwork, please use the 1 inch = 1 foot scale size (for example for a 14 ft X 48 ft size, 14 inches x 48 inches). To add bleed add at least another 1 inch to the overall dimensions (for example using the 14x48 size, 15 inches x 49 inches). Please identify the bleed with guides or trim marks. We recommend the artwork resolution be at least 300 dpi or higher (300 pixels per inch in Photoshop).
We accept the following file formats (CMYK) tiff, jpeg, eps, pdf, Illustrator or Photoshop. Regarding In-Design files, please convert In Design files to a PDF format.
General Guidelines
Provide color proofs if critical color match is required. If PMS colors are used within 4/c process file, indicate each PMS color used.
Note: not all PMS colors match using 4/c process.
Files must be proportionate to final output size.
Specify final size.